
April 3, 2023

Cancer du sein : AMPO et Dear Foundation lancent le projet Yik-pinda pour sensibiliser les femmes au Burkina

Breast cancer: AMPO and DEARMamma launch the Yik-pinda project to raise awareness among women in Burkina

The Managre Nooma Association for the protection of orphans (AMPO) in collaboration with The DEAR Foundation Switzerland were in front of the media, on Saturday, March 25, 2023, in Ouagadougou to inform the public about the role of the Yik-Pinda project.

Language: French
March 8, 2023

International Women’s Day 2023: An Interview with Sonja Dinner (The DEAR Foundation)

It is a fact that sociocultural factors determine taboos. Taboos then can lead to restrictions, which in turn may affect the application and acceptance of various health measures. This is especially true with regard to women’s health.

Sonja Dinner from The DEAR Foundation knows a thing or two about cultural taboos surrounding breast cancer and self-examination. We are very happy that she agreed to speak with us in the run-up to International Women’s Day on March 8.

Language: english
October 18, 2022

Check Your Breasts – Save Your Life: An Interview with Sonja Dinner (The DEAR Foundation)

The good news is: The earlier breast cancer is detected the faster it can be treated, which means that cure is more likely. For Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022 we spoke with Sonja Dinner from "The DEAR Foundation" to learn why regular breast checks are so important, and how the breast cancer awareness campaign “DearMamma” encourages women worldwide to check their breasts regularly.

Language: english
December 12, 2019

Brustkrebs kann jede und jeden treffen

Die Basler Agentur «CR Basel» lanciert eine Sensibilisierungs-Kampagne von «The Dear Foundation» – für Frauen und Männer.

Language: german | Translation:

Breast cancer can affect women and men

Swiss Cancer Foundation
November 13, 2019

Newsletter 02/2019

SCF points out the DearMamma app and film

Language: german

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