
Awareness through pink tram

In Switzerland, the importance of early detection is being brought to the public's attention by an eye-catching awareness campaign launched together with the Basel Cancer League (Krebsliga beider Basel). With the clear message "Diagnosis of breast cancer - it can affect anyone", a pink tram has been travelling through the city of Basel since 3 December 2019, highlighting the importance of early breast cancer detection. The campaign is supported by online marketing campaigns, which inform women and men in Switzerland about the importance of regular self-checks.

Situation in Place

Every year, 6000 women and 60 men in Switzerland are diagnosed with breast cancer. Even though access to medical treatment is very good in Switzerland, around 2-3 people die from the disease every day. "Most women delegate breast cancer screening in Europe to the gynaecologist, whom they may visit annually. This is not enough," says Sonja Dinner, Founder of the DearMamma Initiative. She therefore appeals to women's self-responsibility: "There is a simple method that is free and equally effective for women all over the world. The regular and systematic self-check," explains Dinner.

Project Testimonial

We are very pleased that such a prominent campaign is taking place here in Basel, where important steps are already being taken in the fight against breast cancer. In Basel-Stadt, we offer every woman over the age of 50 a franchise-free mammogram every two years. The Breast Cancer Tram should help us to wake people up.

Eric Sarasin

President of the Basel Cancer League (Krebsliga beider Basel)

Other Projects

On-site health professionals work for local projects to educate women about breast cancer and show them options for identifying potential problems early on (among others with the help of the DearMamma app).

Burkina Faso

Locally organised awareness programmes.


Breaking down taboos through education.


Breast cancer prevention among Charedi women.


Meeting the people where they are.


Raising awareness among medical staff.

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